June 2024


  • Enhanced Analytics Dashboard: New data includes detailed session info, technology info, and a communications dashboard. Learn more here.


  • Improved Learning Solution: AI enhancements to the Learning solution have made course and lesson creation easier. Add the solution to your Fliplet account now or learn more here.


  • Google Push Notifications Update: Google announced the deprecation of their legacy Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) API, culminating in a complete removal after June 20, 2024. The new steps for ensuring notifications can still be sent from your app can be found here.

April 2024


  • Fliplet Academy
    Fliplet Academy is a learning tool to empower users to get the best out of Fliplet. It includes training courses to support users in understanding Fliplet Studio features and becoming expert app builders!
    Currently, we have two levels to help with your app journey – App Builder Levels 1 & 2. As we continue to grow, we plan to expand this offering with more courses, including becoming certified in topics such as App Building, Security, and more.
    You can access Fliplet Academy on our Help site or via this link directly.


  • AI features added to the Learning solution – The Learning solution has been upgraded to include AI features including course generation, chatbot support, and more. To learn more add the app to your account or see here.
  • New form fields – Custom button, reorder list.
    The custom button enables you to add custom actions to your forms. Click here to learn more about the form component or here for more on creating a custom function.
    The reorder list is a multi-input option to enable users to order the list items to their preference.

January 2024


  • AI features added to the Event solution – The Event – single solution has been upgraded to include AI features including AI content generation with a bio generator in the registration form, a summary and image generator in the event info form, and a universal search feature added to enable users to search the app for items. To learn more add the app to your account or see here.
  • New screen template – Bulk delete app data sources. This new screen template enables Fliplet Studio users to delete one or multiple app data sources in one go from the app. To learn more, add the screen template to your app or see here.

December 2023


  • Capacity management – The Capacity Management addition to the Directory solution is a tool designed to enhance operational agility, transparency, and engagement within an organization.
    To learn more see here or watch the video below.

September 2023


  • Custom field width- We have added a new setting to the form component that enables you to change the width of the form field. Adjust the width to 25%, 50%, or 75% of the screen. To learn more see here.
    The example below shows two fields at 50%. You can also choose for the fields to be placed on separate rows.

August 2023


  • New form fields – We have added 2 new form fields to the form component. To learn more about the form component see here
    • Dropdown (type-ahead) – Enable users to select from a pre-set list of values, from a data source or by adding a list of values to the form field settings. Upon typing in the input field, suggestions will be displayed to the user and will be refined with every typed letter.

    • Geolocation – This enables you to collect the location of the user submitting a form. The location will be collected in longitude & latitude coordinates and recorded in the data source -e.g. 51.525493,-0.0822173. The user must give permission on their device to enable the location to be collected.

  • App usage & billing UI update to include new app limits – View your current plan and data usage using the app settings option. To access and view your plan usage, open the app settings and choose “Usage & Billing”

July 2023


  • Plan limits – Plan limits are restrictions that are put in place to ensure you have access to the correct features for your pricing plan and to protect your Fliplet app against abuse or errors. To learn more see here.
  • New form fields – We have added 3 new form fields to the form component. To learn more about the form component see here
    • Matrixask multiple questions on a single topic to end users

    • Date range – enable the user to select a start and end date range within a single field. Choose from a pre-defined list or manually select specific dates

    • Time range – enable the user to select a start and end time range within a single field

    • Timer – use to add a timer to the form to calculate time spent in the form, or enable a countdown. Using the settings you can determine whether the timer can be controlled by the user

June 2023


  • Queue management – Each Fliplet app includes plan limits to protect your app against abuse or error. Queue management ensures that any communications sent from your app are delivered successfully and within the plan limits. Once a limit is met, notifications will be queued and sent out incrementally, in the order they were received. To learn more see here.


  • New screen templates – We’ve launched two new low-code screen template that utilizes the Fliplet AI API to empower you to use AI.

    News feed with summary – This screen enables users to summarize a news article. You can modify the data or adjust the AI prompt in the developer options JS code. Learn more here.
    Sign up with bio generator – This screen enables users to generate a bio from other details they provide when signing up. You can modify the fields included and even the AI prompt in the developer options JS code. Learn more here.

  • Infrastructure updates – Our Engineering team has made significant updates to our infrastructure, improving loading times across all regions. For example:
    • Adding two screens to an app (e.g. first two content screens)
      • EU: 1.3 minutes (now improved to ~15 seconds)
      • US: 1.3 minutes (now improved to ~15 seconds)
    • Copying a component to a different screen
      • EU: 20 seconds (now improved to 6 seconds)
      • US: 12.5 seconds (now improved to 6 seconds)

April 2023


  • App security rules – App security rules will now be copied and applied when creating apps from app templates or duplicating existing apps. Learn more about app security rules here.

March 2023


  • App analytics email – An app analytics weekly email report will now be sent every Wednesday to Fliplet users for your top published apps. You can opt out by visiting “My account” and disabling the email.

  • App archiving and restoring – Apps you are no longer using can now be archived instead of permanently deleted. Archived apps can be later restored.
    Learn more here

    Learn more here


  • Infrastructure updates – Our Engineering team has made significant updates to our infrastructure, improving performance and scalability for our products and apps. We’ve enhanced our data sources and distributed database systems, improved our Data Integration Service, updated our documentation with more examples and use cases, and have exciting features in the pipeline.

    Read the full article on our developer’s website to learn more about these updates and what’s coming next for Fliplet. 

February 2023

New app solution

  • Emergency Management solution – Fliplet’s Emergency Management solution is an all-in-one solution designed to foster preparedness and provide organizations and their clients with the necessary tools to respond safely and effectively to raids and crises.
    The solution facilitates real-time task management and communication to work quickly and efficiently during drills and emergencies.
    To learn more click here


  • Form – the date and time picker fields will now allow autofill with a specific date/time when the field is empty


January 2023


  • Organization dashboard
    Organization admins will now be able to see the “last logged in at” data for users in their organization. Learn more about the organization dashboard here

  • App solutions
    We have updated the app solutions and organization templates library
    When adding a new app to your account, if your organization has any templates, you will now see them at the top of the screen, followed by a separate list of Fliplet app solutions below

  • Data source security
    Custom access rules for data sources.
    Learn more here


  • Forms
    New slider field added to the form component
    Enable users to select a numerical value on a sliding scale between a minimum and maximum value

    Learn more about the form component here

December 2022


  • Forms
    New addition to the checkboxes form field to enable a select all option

    New addition to the text input field to add support for an ID generator. When enabled, the field will generate a random ID in the form field

    Learn more about the form component here

November 2022


  • Data source version history
    Improvements to the data source version history have been made. Changes to a data source made via the app such as form submissions will now be logged within the version history of a data source

  • Form changes and bug fixes
    Various updates and bug fixes to the form component including; ensuring hidden fields are not cleared when the form is reset and an added option for configuring the appearance for read-only fields

  • Data sources
    Users will now be warned of live data changes when editing data sources via the data source manager – this will prevent data from being overwritten or lost
    Added support for configuring column inclusion and exclusion within security rules
  • New language added to translations
    Fliplet apps can now be translated to French. Learn more here
  • API tokens
    A new user interface for API tokens. Learn more about tokens here

October 2022


  • New screen template

    This screen enables users to select the language they would like to view the app in, to learn more see here

September 2022


  • iOS 16
    iOS 16 will be available from September 12
    Fliplet apps will support iOS16, and be compatible with the iPhone 14 Pro design without any changes
    Fliplet users and customers will not need to take any action


  • New screen templates

    3 new home screen templates added to Fliplet Studio to help enhance the styling of your app’s home page

August 2022


  • New screen templates

    3 new screen templates added to Fliplet Studio
  • Import RSS feed – enables importing data from an RSS feed into a data source
  • Table from data source – create a table using data from a data source
  • Menu 9 – an icon list with image and logo

July 2022

New feature

  • Version history and restore for screens

    Using the screen settings you can restore previous versions of your app’s screens inside Fliplet Studio.
    When changes are made to a screen, up to 30 recent versions are kept in the system. You can view previous versions and roll back your screen to an older version at any time to undo recent changes.


  • Support for translations
    Fliplet apps can be translated to multiple languages
    Using app settings to update the supported languages

June 2022

New template

  • E-Learning
    Fliplet’s Learning solution enables interactive, structured learning on mobile and the web. Users can securely engage with the materials at any time, on any device, online or offline. Learn more here

April 2022

New feature

  • Data source entries
     Apps using a free plan will have a limit of 10k entries to any data source


  • iOS 15 Support
    Apps built with Fliplet are supported by iOS15

March 2022


  • New screen templates
    5 new screen templates are now live in Fliplet Studio
  • Quiz/Assessment – The quiz component enables users to answer a series of questions and provides a result. Learn more here
  • Benchmark – The benchmark component enables users to evaluate topics and compare them against a standard or other users. Learn more here
  • Decision tree – The decision tree component enables you to create a decision tree style quiz in your app. Learn more here
  • Embed – The embed component enables you to add an iframe to your app without using HTML Learn more here
  • Conditional container – The conditional container component enables users to restrict the visibility of certain items depending on the user role. Learn more here 

February 2022

New Feature

  • Audit log
    We have added a new feature to Fliplet Studio
    The audit log feature will enable you to view logs related to your Fliplet account and apps, providing you with the information required to check or diagnose activity within your apps
    The feature is available for organization admins and any user with the app publisher role
    See more here


  • ISO certification
    Fliplet is officially ISO 27001 certified! We now fully comply with this international standard on how to manage information security. Get in touch with us for any further details
  • Media files 
    Media files added to Fliplet Studio above 3840px will be resized to optimize performance

  • Marketing template

    We have made some updates and improvements to the Marketing template
    Update to the main menu layout – now easier to navigate to each section of the app
    The following features have all been upgraded from low code to no code, enabling users to easily create and amend their own app features:

    1. Maps
    2. Analyze content
    3. Quiz/Assessment
    4. Benchmarking
    5. Decision Tree
    6. Embed URL

    Click here to learn more

  • Password complexity added to password form field
    The password field now includes password complexity rules to add security to app logins
    Passwords created using the form field must now be at least 8 characters, contain at least 1 uppercase character, contain at least 1 lowercase character, contain at least 1 number, and contain at least 1 symbol
    Users will be prompted with a reminder for this

  • Additional validation for Google and Apple app submissions
    When submitting an app to be published we have added validation to confirm the required fields of app icon, splash screen, and screenshots have been added to the submission details

  • PDF for android 
    We have made some general improvements to the way PDF files are accessed and downloaded using an Android device. You should now have simpler access to any PDF files downloaded or opened from within an app

January 2022


  • Filter numbers by range
    Numbers can now be filtered by range (from and to) in the LFD, rather than having to select individual numbers. See more here

  • Search function for app and screen templates
    We have added the option to use search when choosing app templates or screen templates. This will enable you to quickly narrow down the right template for your use case. 
    You can find the search bar in the top right of the screen and app templates screens

December 2021

New template

  • Event
    The Event template enables you to create an app that supports multiple events, both in person, virtual, and hybrid with apps. It offers additional features to attendees and enables data capture for users. Learn more here


  • Directory Template

    We have added some additional screens with new features to the Directory template

    Home – Users will be taken to the home screen after logging in, enabling the user to select items from the menu to be directed to the relevant screens. See more here

    Groups – The groups screen will display a list of departments or committees, enabling users to view group information and its members. See more here

    Groups org chart – The group org chart works in the same way as the main org chart displaying groups instead of directory users. See more here

  • Data sources
    Data sources now correctly display applicable data as an array. Data to be included in an array will be inside square brackets. Learn more here

  • LFD
    An additional field type option of “number” has been added to the data view settings. Summary view field types can now be amended
    Learn more here

November 2021


  • New screen templates
    7 new screen templates are now live in Fliplet Studio
  • Discussion Forum & Edit/Manage discussion – enabling a discussion feed for your app’s users and a form for users to add or edit their post
  • Email verification – add security to your app with an email verification screen
  • Document library – enable users to browse and access documents in your app
  • Content Screen 7 – highlight a video in your app
  • List with people – add a link to another user within the detail view
    Learn more here
  • LFD with accordions – add dropdowns to the detail view using accordions
    Learn more here

October 2021

New template

  • Directory

    The Directory template enables you to create an app that gives your users the ability to quickly find key people in their organization and learn about colleagues
    Learn more here

September 2021


  • New link action – logout
    The link action provider has been updated to include a logout option. This enables a logout option to be associated with components and buttons or anywhere you can configure a link action in Fliplet studio. Understand more about the link action provider here

  • New screen templates
    6 new screen templates are now live in Fliplet Studio
  • Quiz with helpers – Use the quiz to test users with a series of questions and provide a result
  • List with enhanced formatting – Add formatting and enhanced logic operations to your list. You can learn more with the support article here
  • Terms – Add a terms screen to your app enabling users to accept before using the app
  • Manage news – Add a new news article to the news feed or edit an existing item by completing the form
  • Form with typeahead field – Enable searching for a person by their name. You can select a person, then search and select more. Learn more here
  • Manage comments – View and remove unwanted comments. Learn more here

Let us know if you have any thoughts or questions, what you would like to see added to screen templates next, and some more screenshots over on the Fliplet Community

Antivirus Protection

We have added Antivirus protection for all newly uploaded files from both Studio (e.g. file manager and file picker) and Apps (e.g. forms)

Files are scanned as soon as they are uploaded. It roughly takes 30 seconds. If a file is found to be infected, it will be quarantined and put in the trash folder and marked as infected when seen via the File Manager

Infected files can’t be used in apps or downloaded by app users and studio users

Antivirus definitions in our backend systems are updated every day as new bulletins come in

Coming soon in Q4 to support the new virus scanning –

Fliplet will scan all previously uploaded files and report if any viruses were found

Fliplet will scan files regularly (e.g. every 3-6 months) as new virus definitions are available so we’re able to detect viruses in previously uploaded files

When a virus is found, an email will be sent to organization admins and the Studio user has uploaded a file (when uploaded via Studio).

August 2021

New template 

Communication Solution
Our Comms solution is an all-in-one app that provides groups with the necessary tools to promote transparency, engage users, and bring all collaborative conversations, news updates, and tools into one app available on any device. Engage your team, customers, or audience like never before, promote your culture, and simplify communication across your network
Learn more here. Tell us your thoughts on the Fliplet Community.

July 2021

New template 

Innovation Management template
The Innovation Management template enables you to create innovation challenges and to collect ideas from your staff or customers. Learn more about the template here

New features

We have launched our developer documentation for our upcoming App Tasks feature. You can read the docs at App Actions | Fliplet Developers Documentation
Learn more about the App Actions feature here

June 2021


New screen templates have been added to Studio
We have added 12 new screen templates to the Fliplet studio
Newsfeed with video and audio, personalized list, event feedback, employee survey, session survey, from with dropdown from data source, form with branching, Twitter feed and 2 new menus one with admin only view. Learn more about screen templates here

Form component will now display a toast message when a user attempts to submit an invalid form, informing them of the error. This message is customizable using JavaScript

May 2021


Data source improvements. Fixes to improve loading speed and user experience when searching and sorting data

New device preview sizes for Android and Web in Fliplet Studio. To learn more about all device previews see here


Addition of version history to data sources. Version history allows you to preview previous versions of the data source and restore them. To learn more, see the data sources article

March 2021


New screen templates have been added to Studio
We have added 9 new screen templates to the Fliplet studio
SSO Login, Feedback form, Edit Profile, Get in touch form, CSV Download and 4 new menu screens
Learn more about screen templates here

Keyboard accessibility for app menus, forms and LFDs

New template 

Remote and Office Management Solution template
The Remote & office management solution template, which will refer to as ROMS, is an update to our Return to Office template. This template creates a solution for managing remote and office staff. Find out more detail here

February 2021


LFD filters
We have added the ability to filter your data to show a custom set of entries from your data source in your LFD. This allows you to choose from several different logics and value types to completely personalize the data that is displayed in the LFD. To learn more see here

Trash and Restore for File manager
File manager now allows you to retrieve deleted files, or permanently delete them
See here for more information on file manager

January 2021


Biometrics support added for Android. Learn more about adding biometrics to your app here

October 2020


Need help links

We have added help links across Studio to help you find support articles when using studio. A ? indicates a link to a support article, to help you find the right support

September 2020

New template 

Marketing TemplateThis template is designed to share content and retain users with a number of interactive features. Ultimately encouraging enquiries for marketing and business development teams.
The template includes an extensive list of interactive features available for you to select the ones that are relevant for your app. Find out more detail here



Web push notifications

August 2020


Data source security
You can now set security rules for any or all of your apps data sources. All new data sources will require a new rule if you want to use them in an app. To learn more about the data source security see here

LFD appearance settings
New additions to the appearance settings have been added to help you completely customize the look of your LFD to suit your brand guidelines or needs. To learn more see here

Form component 
We have added the possibility to add an explanation to a field and the possibility to make form fields hidden.  To learn more about the form component see here


Team plan self sign up
You can now join the team plan to enable you to launch your native apps without needing to contact us. Find out more about the team plan features here

May 2020

New Features

Code Library

Our new code library, available here, will guide you in adding custom code to your Fliplet apps. This should help you create many new features and customize your apps even further

April 2020

New Templates

Expenses Template

The expenses template can be used to manage your expense process. This template is also a broader example of workflow features in an app. Some of the template features include:  

  • Submit expenses 
  • Notifications 
  • Admin options
  • Review expenses from staff
  • Access historic expenses
  • View reporting 
  • Manager users (add/modify user’s profile)


March 2020

New Features

Scheduled and Segmented Notifications

In addition to a full overhaul of the notification system in Fliplet Studio, we have also added the ability to schedule and segment notifications. This means for push and in-app notifications you can allow specific users to get notifications at a specific time and day. Read more about notifications here

Status: Live


Improved Poor Connection/Offline Functionality

Devices with poor connection or offline can now alert users (ask Fliplet support for custom code). Data sources can also update incrementally to decrease the necessary bandwidth for updates


February 2020


Improved Setup Wizard

When building new apps, you will now see an improved setup wizard that will prompt you to:

Select a Template

Name your app and add an icon

Download Fliplet viewer for previewing & testing

Invite other people to work on the app

Agenda-type LFD Improvements

The Agenda style List from Data Source component has been updated to include search and filter capabilities. You can apply filters to different types of appointments or sessions and search across multiple dates. Learn more about LFDs here

Shareable URL for screens

Apps published to the web now include more shareable links for individual app screens. Read more about web publishing


January 2020


New Screen Layouts

With the new layout editor, we have made several new screen layouts to select from when adding a new screen. These new layouts show off the responsive design that the layout editor and appearance settings make possible. Add a new screen to check out the new layouts!


December 2019

New Features

New Layout Editor

The new layout editor allows for new screen structuring and layouts, without needing HTML code. All new apps created from templates in Fliplet will have this new system. If you would like an existing app to be updated, please contact Fliplet support. There are several new articles associated with this feature, but you can get started here.

Status: Live


New Fliplet Viewer

We’ve released a new version of Fliplet Viewer, available on iOS and Android that is faster, sleeker, and allows for greater functionality. Read more about the app here.


November 2019

Code Features


Our new gamification package allows you to configure gamification logic, such as a scoring system and achievements, for your app. Read more about gamification here.

Status: Beta


October 2019

Code Features

Organization Level Encryption

This allows you to encrypt data for each organization in your app, preventing any of your clients from accessing any data other than their own. Read more about that in our developer documentation here.

Skills required: Javascript


September 2019


iOS 13 Support

As part of our review, Fliplet found a critical issue with iOS 13, the latest version of Apple iOS released 19 September 2019. All apps published for iOS must be updated. Read more about this here.

Firebase Analytics Support

Google Analytics is moving to Firebase Analytics in October for mobile apps. We are updating Fliplet to support Firebase. See this article to migrate your analytics.

Code Features

Document Automation

This feature will enable the creation of Word .Docx files from within apps, dynamically inserting values from user-submitted information into a template.

Skills required: Javascript

Status: Live


July 2019

New Features

File Searching

Inside the Fliplet file manager, you can now search for files inside a specific folder or all folders.

Status: Live

64-Bit App Android Support

If you have gotten a message about updating your app from Google don’t worry! We’ve added support for 64-bit apps. As long as you update your app before August 2021, nothing will change. 

Status: Live


Form Builder – Image Upload

The image upload field in the form builder now includes thumbnails of any image files that are added. In addition, if a user uploads a file that is beyond the selected width and height, the system will automatically resize it.

Status: Live

List from Data Source Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the list from the data sources component. Overall filtering, search and showing bookmarks now work faster. Also, there have been extra options added for filters and query parameters as more advanced features.

Status: Live


June 2019

New Templates

Sales Enablement Template

A sales enablement app can help support your staff by including more details about your whole company. Some of these details include:  

Services/Products – with separate pages for each service

Locations – with separate pages for each location including the website, key contacts and more.

Company News

Useful Documents

Case Studies

New Features

Improved Appearance Settings

With the new appearance settings, you have many more options for sizing and position components. You can also apply settings to one specific component, and separate settings for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. For more on the appearance settings, see this article.

Status: Live

Improved web app URL sharing

Web apps now have better and more readable links, allowing you to share specific screens as a URL. If a login is required, the user will be redirected to the Login screen first, then taken to the original link. This will also work for mobile apps.

Status: Live


Developer Documentation Site Improvements

Our website for developer documentation, including API information, has gotten a facelift. It is now much easier to see and browse different sections with the left-hand menu. 

Status: Live

Code Features

Decision Trees

A decision tree will ask the user a set of questions and based on the answer intelligently hide or show other questions. Once the user has supplied the required answers the app will display a result.

Skills required: Simple CSS and Javascript

Status: Live


May 2019

New Templates

Event App Template

The event app template takes many common components, as well as some custom functionality, to make it quick and easy to build and maintain an event app. Some of the features include: 

Agenda – with live polling, session feedback, questions, bookmarking sessions

Newsfeed – with commenting, liking, bookmarking

Attendees and speakers list

Interactive floorplan


Event feedback

Discussion/ Public Forum

Notification inbox

Admin menu – to update content outside of Fliplet studio

Directory Template

The directory template is a great example of an internal app you can use to connect people across your company. Some features include:

Staff directory – includes lists to highlight new starters and upcoming birthdays

Office directory – with information for different locations

Office services list – such as a number to IT, or meeting room services

Social updates – highlight new employees, birthdays, and more


Floor plan

Notifications – send notifications out to app users

Internal News Template

Internal News through an app is a great way to keep employees up to date on the company. Features include:

Newsfeed – includes search, filter, commenting, liking, bookmarking

Suggested news – let app users contribute ideas

Forums – let users start up discussions

Events – notify users of upcoming company events

Recognition – highlight colleagues who are doing exceptional work

Employee Survey – let users give feedback about their workplace


April 2019

Code Features

Mobile app download on demand

Apps can download files based on the user’s request. For example, video, audio or files can be downloaded if the user wants them. Downloaded files can be displayed and removed from the device.

This is a very useful feature if your app has a lot of files that users may want to download so they can use them offline

Skills required: HTML, CSS, and Javascript


March 2019

Code Features

Data-Driven screens 

Data-driven screens can dynamically display a record from a Fliplet data source. For example, if you have a set of products in a spreadsheet you can use this feature to load a product into a screen and avoid producing a screen for each product in Fliplet Studio. 

This feature is very useful if you have a lot of content you want to display in an app or you want to manage the content for your app in a data source, reducing the number of separate screens.

Status: Live

Skills required: Simple Javascript


January 2019

New features

In App Notifications

This new component can be added to any screen to allow notifications to users, without the need for push notifications. However, they can be used together. Additionally, a badge can be added to the hamburger menu, showing the number of unread notifications. Further information on notifications can be found in this article.

Status: Live


List (from data source) Directory Layout – Bookmarking

List items within the directory layout can now be bookmarked. This can be used, for example, by users to create a contact list. More information on the List from data source component can be found in this article.

Status: Live


December 2018

New features

System Analytics

This feature allows you to track data about the usage of each of your apps. You can look at high-level data, or even analyze information per specific user. More information on this will be posted in an upcoming help center article.

Status: Live



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