What are Data Sources?

Data sources are similar to spreadsheets, or database tables found in traditional apps. The information shown in your app is often stored in data sources. Typically, data that your users enter in forms is also saved into data sources. 

Some Fliplet components require the use of data sources. Examples include the Form and List from data source (LFD) components as well as the Login and other security components. You can read more about these components in other articles in the help center.

All your data sources and the records inside them are available for viewing in the App Data menu. For an introduction to App Data, read this article.

Why use Data Sources

Data sources are essential to displaying information to your users as well as saving information that your users enter into your app. 

Data sources are essential to the operation of some Fliplet components, including the Form component, the List from data source (LFD) component, and most of the security components. 

A single data source can be used across several apps. For example, you can use a single contact directory data source across multiple apps.

Data sources do not have a size limit

Get Started

  1. When setting up a data source for a component
  2. Edit data sources
  3. Studio user permissions tab
  4. Settings tab
  5. Version history

Options in Data Sources

When setting up a data source for a component

Select a data source

Allows creation of a new or selection of an existing data source.

Edit data source

Displays the Edit Data Sources window

Create data source

Creates a new data source


Edit Data Sources

Security rules tab

Displays the security rules

Entries tab

Displays the data source columns and rows.

If the data is to be included in an array i.e multiple values, the data should be included inside [square brackets] and each entry inside “quote marks”

Studio user Permissions tab

Displays the list of users permitted to access the data source

Settings tab

Displays the data source settings


Studio user Permissions tab

Add new user

Allows granting access permissions to the data source to another user 

User list

Displays a list of users permitted to access the data source. The list shows the following information:

  • Full name

  • Email address

  • Permissions

  • Actions (see Delete permission below)

Delete permission

Allows deleting access of another user to the data source


Settings tab

Bypassing validation

Allows retrieving the bypass code needed to bypass email verification. This is applicable only if the data source is used with an email verification component. You will need to prefix the user email address with the bypass code, e.g 52e518email@mail.com, and use the verification code 999999 to validate without receiving emails or text messages.

Delete data source and trash recovery button

Allows deleting of the data source and recovering the data source from the trash

Data source ID

Non-editable field displaying the data source ID

Data source name

Displays the name of the data source. You can change the data source name by entering the new name here.

Do you want to exclude this data when downloading the app?

When checked, the data is excluded from the app when a user downloads it. This means that an Internet connection will be required when using the app. 

Data source definition

Allows applying additional developer features such as security and two-factor authentication to the data source using Fliplet’s DataSource JavaScript API.

Data source hooks

Allows for the setting of data source hooks by Flipet components

Version History

When changes are made to the data source, Fliplet will store a version of every change. Fliplet stores:

  • The most recent 100 versions; then
  • Every 5 minutes for up to 3 hours; then
  • Every hour for up to 300 versions


The version number and when the last actions were taken

Modified by

Name of the user who made changes


The number of entries included in the selected version of the data source


The number of columns included in the selected version of the data source


Preview Data – Shows a preview of this version of the data source
Restore – Restore the data source to a previous version. This will replace the entire contents of the current data source. Press OK to confirm
Copy to new data source – Creates a duplicate copy of the selected version of the data source.

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