What is a Form Component?

The form is a common component to use in your app. With it, you can gather and store information from your users, providing them with a way to interact with the app. After the form is submitted, you can automatically send an email, or prompt the user to send an email, with a generic template including the forms fields.

You can either use the existing form templates available from our template gallery or create a new form from scratch. 

Get started

  1. How to use a form component
  2. Form fields
  3. Advanced form fields
  4. Default value and types
  5. Read only and cannot be edited
  6. Custom field width
  7. Settings – General
  8. Settings – Submission
  9. Settings – After the form has been submitted
  10. Form template

How to Use a Form Component


Options of a Form Component

Form fields

Add fields

Click this button to open the list of available fields for use with a form (see the complete list below)

Text Inputs

List of available text input fields for use with a form. The following options are common to all text input fields:

  • Field name – the name of the column in the data source

  • Field label – the text above the field on the app screen

  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)

  • Default value – the form will automatically fill this value as default, giving the user the option to change it

  • Placeholder – this can be used to describe what users can submit (eg ‘John Doe’ as  a placeholder for a name field)

  • Have this form field act as an ID generator – when enabled the form field will generate a random ID

  • Read only and cannot be edited – when enabled the selected form field will be read only and can not amended by the user

Text inputs – Number input

Text input field that allows numeric entry only. It includes all of the common options above plus

  • What numbers should be allowed?

    • Allow all numbers 

    • Positive numbers only

  • Decimal places allowed

Text inputs – Password input

Text input field type that allows password entry. Passwords are required to be at least 8 characters, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 number, and 1 symbol.

It includes all the common options above plus

  • Should the password be encrypted? – this will mean passwords cannot be read inside the data source

  • Should a password be automatically generated when submitting a new entry? – this will disable the field for user input

  • Ask users to confirm the password before submitting? – this will add a second input for users to enter their password again

Text inputs – Multiple line input

Text input field that allows multiple lines. It includes the common options listed above and:

  • Rows – specifies the height of the text area in lines (default 2)

Text inputs – Rich text

Text input field that allows styling the content with multiple lines of text. Styling will create HTML tags when stored in the data source. It includes the common options listed above and:

  • Rows – specifies the height of the text area in lines (default 5)

Multiple options

Multiple option fields allow a user to select one or many options. The following fields are common to all multiple options:

  • Field name – the name of the column in the data source

  • Field label – the text above the field on the app screen 

  • Is this field required?  (Yes/No)

  • Hide this field from users – when enabled users will not see this field

  • Include select all – when enabled an additional option will be added for users select all multiple choice options

  • Options – add an option and hit enter for a new line

  • Default value – match one of the options from the field above to set this as the value, which the user can change.

Multiple options – Dropdown (single-select)

A single select option, the dropdown will hide value until a user clicks on it, taking up less space than radios.

  • Option placeholder – text inside the dropdown that is shown until the user interacts with the dropdown.

Multiple options – Dropdown (type-ahead)

Enable users to select from a pre-set list of values, from a data source, or by adding a list of values to the form field settings

Upon typing in the input field, suggestions will be displayed to the user and will be refined with every typed letter.

Form field options

  • Allow user to add their options – enable the option of not choosing a type-ahead pre-set value

  • Populate suggestions from a list of values
    • Select the number of eave it blank to allow any amount

  • Populate suggestions from a data source
    • Select a data source and column that includes the list of values
    • Select the number of eave it blank to allow any amount

Multiple options – Radios (single-select)

A single select option, radios will show each option on a separate line.

Multiple options – Checkboxes (multi-select)

A multi-select option, the checkbox will show each option on a separate line. Users can select any options. 

Multiple options – Matrix

Ask multiple questions on a single topic to users. 

Use the Row option to input questions and the Column option to input multiple answers to that question 

Multiple options – Reorder list

A multi-input option to enable users to order the list items to their preference.

Add multiple options to the list using the form settings, or select to use values from the data source.

The order set in the form settings will be what the user originally sees.


  • Image upload

  • Attach a file

File fields for use with a form. The following options are common to these fields:

  • Field name – the name of the column in the data source

  • Field label – the text above the field on the app screen

  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)

  • Set a maximum width for uploaded images (Image upload only) 

  • Set a maximum height for uploaded images (Image upload only)

  • Select the folder where the images are stored – this will store user-submitted files into the File Manager.


  • Title

  • Paragraph

Formatting fields that are not submitted, but used to style the form:

  • Title – Text to title the form or sections of the form

  • Paragraph – Text to describe fields or other info. HTML code can be used to style this further.

  • Spacer – a horizontal line to break up larger forms

Date & time – date range

Enable users to select a date range in a single form field


  • No default value
  • Autofill with a specific date if it’s empty
  • Autofill with current date if it’s empty
  • Always autofill with current date

When applying the current date

  • Use the date when form is loaded
  • Use the date when form is submitted

Date & time – time range


  • No default value
  • Autofill with a specific time if it’s empty
  • Autofill with current time if it’s empty
  • Always autofill with current time

When applying the current date

  • Use the time when form is loaded
  • Use the time when form is submitted

Date & time – timer

Timer type

  • Stopwatch
  • Countdown timer

Autostart when form is loaded

If autostart is not selected, the user will need to activate the timer with the “start” button

  • Enable autostart

Timer controls

  • User can start stop and reset the timer
  • User cannot control the timer

Date & time – timestamp 

Automatically record the exact date and time when a user submits or updates a form.

This feature adds either a visible or hidden field to capture the current timestamp in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2024-07-10T14:30:00Z).

The captured timestamp is saved alongside other form data in the datasource.

You can configure the timestamp to be recorded in the following scenarios:
  • When the user first submits the form
  • When the user updates the form
  • Both initial submission and update

Buttons – Clear & Submit

The buttons at the bottom of the form to submit or reset the form:

  • Show submit button 

  • Submit button label – the text inside the submit button

  • Show clear button

  • Clear button label – the text inside the clear button

Buttons –  Custom button

  • Add a custom function to your form by including the custom button.
    Learn more here.


Advanced form fields

Advanced form fields

Click the “Add fields +” button to open the list of available fields and scroll down for advanced fields

Code Scanner

Enables users to easily capture data by streamlining data entry processes and reducing errors.


Enables you to collect the location of the user submitting a form.

Location will be collected in Longitude & Latitude coordinates and recorded in the data source -e.g. 51.525493,-0.0822173
The user must give permission on their device to enable the location to be collected.

  • Load Automatically – automatically populate the user’s location* and show them a confirmation message that the location has been collected. Location can be changed by the user selecting “update my location”

  • Hidden – Once the user has allowed location services, the form field automatically gathers location data and no data will be shown to the user *
    *This field cannot be hidden and required. If the field is hidden it will automatically be set to optional as the user may decline to allow location to be collected

  • Required – There must be a location entered in the form field either automatically or submitted by the user

  • Precise location required- if selected the form will collect the user’s precise location*

    * Approximate location gives access to the general radius, but not a perfect pinpoint.  For example, approximate location can record what area of which city you happen to be in, but won’t know which street you’re on. Approximate location allows the form to use location services to work properly, like an app offering you suggested activities based on your location, without needing to share exactly where you are.
    Precise location is the exact coordinates down to a pinpoint on a map. Precise location is used if the purpose of your data relies on your exact whereabouts.

  • All location fields by default will collect approximate location. Only collect precise locations if the requirement is enabled

  • Location will be collected when the form is loaded if “load automatically” is enabled. If not, the location should be gathered when the “use my location” button is pressed by the user

  • Users can refresh the location they are submitting the form at a later point in time by using the “update location” button

  • Users will be shown an error message if location services are not turned on, on their device

Star rating

Enable users to select a rating from 1 to 5 stars
  • Field label – the text above the field on the app screen

  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)Hide this field from users – when enabled users will not see this field

  • Description – a description above the field to inform the user of any further information

  • Default value – the value that is shown by default


Enable users to select a numerical value on a sliding scale between a minimum and maximum value.

Use the “number of steps” setting to determine the increments available to select on the slider.

For example, a slider with a value of 0 to 100 with 20 steps, will enable the user to select a value of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100

  • Field label – the text above the field on the app screen

  • Description – a description above the field to inform the user of any further information

  • Minimum value number – the lowest value available

  • Maximum value number – the highest value available

  • Number of steps – the value of the increments

  • Default value type – learn more here

  • Default value – the value that is shown by default


Enable users to sign a signature as part of the form

  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)

  • Description – a description above the field to inform the user of any further information

  • Height (px) – the height of the space where users can sign

  • folder to save the images to within the file manager


When users are required to input their address information, instead of manually entering each address component, users can start typing their address, and the form field will dynamically suggest and populate address details based on their input. 
  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)

  • Description – a description above the field to inform the user of any further information


This form field enables the user to select a location on a map. It has the option to manually enter location via an address lookup field and uses an interactive map with zoom and pan functionalities.

  • Is this field required? (Yes/No)

  • Description – a description above the field to inform the user of any further information

  • Default map type – choose the type of map you display. Options are: roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain

  • sers can adjust the address manually but choosing this option will automatically pull the user’s current location if location settings are enabled 

  • Placeholder – The text entered here is what will be displayed to the user before they start typing a map location

Default Value and Types

Some of our form fields allow you to set a default value to prefill and personalize the form. This option can be found for all text input fields, except for the password input field, and all multiple options fields. There are 4 different default value types to choose from:

Enter a value

The enter a value option will allow you to enter a specific value as the default input for the form field

User profile data

Using the user profile data value type allows you to set a default input using the logged-in user’s profile data.
For example, if you want the form to include an email address field, this can be prefilled using the logged-in user’s email address.
For this to work, the default key should be entered exactly as the name of the field which contains the user’s email address in the user information data source. 
App storage variable

If a value is set using Fliplet.App.Storage then the key can be referenced and set as the form fields value

Link query parameter

If you create a custom query on a page e.g. on a menu that links to a page with a form, then you can reference the value of that query parameter and set it as default the value in a form field

Read only and cannot be edited

If you select this option the field will be visible to the user but not be able to be edited.

Custom field width

Use the custom field width setting to customize the size of the form field to either 25%, 50%, or 75% of the row or container it is in.

  • Custom field width  –  Select to customize the size of the form field
  • Form field will be placed on a separate row – if enabled the form field will sit on its own row

Settings – General

Form Name

Textbox where the name of the form can be entered

Select a data source to store form submissions

Click to select or create a data source for form submissions. For more information, see the separate article on Data Sources.


Settings – Submission

Add new submissions to a data source 

Check this box to add new form submissions to the data source. Once checked, the following fields appear:

  • Submit the form when the device is (select one of the two options):

    • Online and offline

    • Online only

  • Save users’ progress on the form (select one of the two options)
    Note: progress will not be saved after a user logs out of the app

    • Always

    • Never

  • Send an email notification whenever a form is submitted – Check this box to send a configurable email notification. For more information, see the Email Template article.

Update existing entries in a data source

Check this box to allow the form to update existing entries in a data source. This requires users to have an Internet connection.

Load the data from a user’s profile

Check this box to load existing data from the data source for the signed-in user into the form. This requires users to log in to your app.

Send an email notification whenever the data is updated

This allows you to configure an email template when existing data is updated. Note: if you do not specify a reply-to email, then the reply will default to no-reply@fliplet.com.
For more information, see the Email template article.

When the form is submitted, do you want to generate an email on the device?

Check this box to load a users’ email program and generate an email based on a configurable email template. For more information, see the Email Template article.


Settings – After the form has been submitted

Take the user to another screen

Select this to take the user to another screen after form submission. After selecting, the following fields appear:

  • Select a screen – allows selection of the screen which will appear after form submission

  • Add query parameters – allows query variables that take the user to a specific part of the screen

  • Select an animation – allows selection of the animation that will be triggered after the form submission.

Show a confirmation message

Selected by default, with an editable message template in HTML.


Form template

Set this form as a template

Check this box to set the form as a template that other users in your organization can reuse.

Form name

The name of the form template. This field appears after the’ Set this form as a template’ box is checked.

Template description

The description of the form template. This field appears after the ‘Set this form as a template’ box is checked. 


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