What Are Login Components?

Fliplet has three login components to can choose from Fliplet Login, Login, and SAML2 Login.

The Fliplet Login component requires your users to have a Fliplet account. To start using your app, users need to enter the email address and password for their Fliplet accounts, then log on to your app.

The Login component requires user credentials to be saved to a specific data source. Users can access your apps after their email and password have been verified against the specified data source.  For security, passwords are stripped from offline data sources, which means the log in component requires an online connection for use in an app.

The SAML2 component enables single sign-on authentication for your apps. Once a trusted connection is established between Fliplet and your own SAML2 servers, if your users are logged on to your domain, they can gain access to your apps as well. 

Screen security under App Settings must be set up with these components to properly secure your app.

Get Started

  1. Fliplet Login
  2. Login – Settings
  3. Login – Email Template

How to Use the Login Components

Why Use Login Components?

The three login components in Fliplet help simplify the login process for your users. At the same time, they aim to make it easier for organizations to manage their users. 

Fliplet Login is ideal for internal testing with your QA team. However, it is not recommended for many apps, as it requires each user to have a Fliplet account. 

SAML2 Login is the best option for organizations with single sign-on capabilities. Like Fliplet Login, it is ideal for internal apps and makes it easier to manage users within one company.

For most users, Login is the best choice among Fliplet’s security components. With email addresses and passwords residing in a remote database hosted by Fliplet, it remains the most secure option for a majority of apps. 

Your choice of which login component to use ultimately depends on your requirements. 

Options of  Login components

The SAML2 Login component options are not listed here. SAML is an advanced feature and will be discussed in a separate article in the help center.

Fliplet Login

Login Heading

Heading displayed on the Login screen

Redirect after logging – Link action

This is what will happen after a successful login. By default, this is set to None. For more information, see Link actions.


Login – Settings

Select a data source

From the list, select the data source with users’ login credentials

Select the email field

From the list of columns in the data source, select the field containing email addresses

Select the password field

From the list of columns in the data source, select the field containing passwords

Keep the user logged in for

Force reauthentication after a set number of hours

Automatically log out the user due to inactivity

Automatically log out the user after a period of inactivity in the app

Do you want to allow users to reset their passwords?

Check the Yes, please box to set a link on the screen for resetting users’ passwords

Select a screen

Select a screen from the list. This screen will be displayed upon successful verification.

Add query parameters

If you want to open the specified screen with a query, add the query here. Read this article for more information.

Select an animation

Select an animation from the list. Set to Slide Left by default.


Login – Email Template

Configure your verification email template

This allows you to directly edit the verification email template using a rich text editor. See more on email templates here.

How to use

Short instructions on how to use variables in the email template


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