The fields below are listed in the Publish to Apple Devices section of Fliplet Studio in the ‘App Store’ tab. For more information on how to complete this section please see this article.

1. App details (required)

  • App list name – The name of your app in the app store, keep it short and simple. Limited to 30 characters

  • App icon – This icon will be displayed on all devices and should be relevant and unique to the app/your organization

  • Splash screen – This is the loading screen which shows up for several seconds when the app first loads. It is common to use a company logo or image.

  • Screenshots – You need to specify what screenshots you want to include in your app listing, choose screens that show off the best and most important features of your app. These can be generated through the app settings. For info see the separate article.

2. App store listing details (required)

  • App icon name – Choose the name that will appear below your app’s icon on a user’s device. This is limited to 30 characters and typically only 13 characters will be displayed.

  • App subtitle (optional) – This will appear in the App store under the App name. 

  • App description – Describe the key features of your app, what it gives to the user and why they should download the app. 

  • App Promotional Text (optional) – Limited to 170 CharactersThe Text that appears at the top of your description.

  • Application category & Application sub-category. – Choose the primary and secondary categories you app best fits into. If you are not sure, here’s a full list of categories.

  • Primary language – Select the primary language used in the app

  • Keywords – Keywords help users searching for your app in the store, 

  • Availability (countries) – Choose which countries you want the app to be available in

  • Price – This field cannot be edited; your app will be set to free by default.

  • Rating – This field cannot be edited; your app rating is determined by Apple based on your app type. Fliplet apps will be rated 17+ by default.

  • Support URL – Provide the URL for where users can go for support with the app. This could be your company’s contact webpage.

  • Marketing URL – Enter the URL for any marketing material that you want to include in the listing. This could be your company’s homepage.

  • Privacy policy URL – Enter the URL for the privacy policy for your app here. You are responsible for ensuring your app complies with privacy laws and regulations, and for providing a privacy policy, if required.

  • Copyright – This field will allow you to include additional information about any copyright or trademark.

3. App Technical Details (required)

  • Apple Developer Login and password – Enter your credentials used when signing up for the Apple Developer account. See this article to set up your account. Click Login when you have entered the correct credentials.

  • Verify your identity – If you have two-factor authentication on your Apple Developer account (which Fliplet recommends) you will need to enter the code sent to your device then click the Verify button

  • Select a Developer Account Team – select the team you will use to publish the app.

  • Provide us with a distribution certificate choosing from the following options – For more on certificates, see this article. If this is your first submission, you will have two options: 

    • Generate a new distribution certificate – Fliplet will generate the certificate for you

    • Upload your own distribution certificate – This is only recommended if you have already used the maximum number of certificates for your account. 

    • If you have already submitted the app then you will see a third recommended option – Use distribution certificate details from your latest submissions

  • App-specific password – If your Apple account has two-factor authentication, you will need to generate an app-specific password in your Apple account. Follow these steps to do so, then enter the password in this field.

  • App version number – Fliplet will generate and update this automatically for you, however you can modify it following the 1.0.0 numbering convention.

  • Bundle ID – this is a unique ID for your app on the App Store. It must follow the structure ‘com.CompanyName.AppName’

4. App Submission Details (required)

  • Contact Info – the name, address, phone, and email fields are used by the Apple review team to contact you if necessary.

  • Manual Submission – this will require you to release the app manually on iTunes after approval. This is not recommended for most users.

  • Demo User and Password – if your app has a login you must provide valid credentials so the Apple review team can login to test the app. This could be a generic login such as

  • Notes – this field is important for ensuring your app is reviewed swiftly. Fliplet has provided a template that you can use, just change the fields inside brackets (eg. [info]).

When you have verified all of the information is correct and complete, click the green Request App button in the bottom left. You can check the status of the build near the top of this screen. If the build is successful, the app will be reviewed by Apple over several business days.


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