When publishing an app to the public app stores or an enterprise app, you will need to have the following accounts:

Public app store

  1. Apple developer account
  2. Google Play developer account


  1. Apple developer account and Apple business manager
  2. Firebase and Google Cloud account to set up push notifications

What are Apple & Google Developer accounts?

Apple and Google Developer accounts are required for publishing iOS and Android apps through the public stores; an Apple Developer account is also required for publishing iOS enterprise apps. 

Click the links below to learn more about and sign up for the two different Apple Developer accounts as well as the Google Developer account.

To launch an app to the public or enterprise stores, Fliplet requires you to have a paid plan. To find out more about the pricing plans see here, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us using live chat or by emailing support@fliplet.com.

How to create Apple & Google Developer accounts

If you don’t have them already, you will need to create app store accounts in order to share your apps publicly via Apple or Google Play.

  1. Apple App Store Developer account
    Cost: $99 USD per year
    Learn more here.
  2. Apple Business Manager
    Note: Apple business manager is required to link your app to your MDM system.
    Learn more here.

  3. Google Play Developer account
    Cost: $25 USD
    Learn more here.

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