Note: Web apps now have better and more readable links, allowing you to share specific screens as a URL. To learn more about screen sharing, see the section in the article below. If you would like to use this, please contact Fliplet support so we can enable it for your app.

Publishing your Fliplet App to the Web

After you’ve created and tested your Fliplet app, you can choose to deploy it to the supported publishing channels, including the Web. This will create a URL for the app, as well as specific screens you can share publicly.

Why Publish your Fliplet App to the Web

By publishing your app to the web, anyone with the link can access your app from web browsers on any computer, without downloading an app to their devices. If you have security settings, users will still need to verify or login.

Get Started

  1. Publish an app to the Web
  2. Options of publishing to the Web

How to Publish your Fliplet app to the Web

  1. Whilst inside your app, hover over the “Publish” button in Fliplet Studio.
  2. Next to “web app” select “click to publish.
  3. You app will instantly be published
  4. Hover over the tab again where you will see a QR code, and the view button that will take you to your app
  5. Your app will automatically be given a URL, but to edit this, select “more publishing and promotion options”
  6. Next to “Publish to the web via a URL ” choose edit
  7. From here, you can also, copy the URL and unpublish the app.
  8. You can also show the embed code that will allow you to embed the app on another web page.
  9. After you have published your app, you will also have access to share individual screens. Click the settings icon next to a screen in Edit mode and you will see this dropdown:
  10. “Copy shareable link” will add the link to your clipboard so you can paste it in an email or wherever you’d like.

Options of distributing your web app

  1. URL from Fliplet
    When publishing your web app you will be provided with a URL that users can use to access the app.
  2. Embed web app within an existing web page
    When publishing your app you will be given the option to “see embed code”. This will allow you to embed the app on another web page. For more help see here.
  3. Redirect an existing URL to your Fliplet web app URL
    For example, redirect to
    To redirect from your web page you will need to use JavaScript, HTML meta tags, or your web server.  
    1. For JavaScript put this code into the webpage you want to redirect users from
    2. For HTML meta tag put this code into the webpage you want to redirect users from
      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=" />
      <title>Page Moved</title>
    3. For Windows IIS web server see here.
    4. For Apache web server see here

Options of Publishing to the Web

Publish to the web via a URL


Publishes the app to the web via a URL


Displays the URL for the app


Allows you to customize the app URL 


Saves the changes to the app URL


Cancels the changes to the app URL

Copy URL

Copies the app URL to the clipboard

Open URL

Opens the URL in a new browser window


Disables the app URL

See/hide embed code

Displays/hides the embed code that allows the app to be embedded into another web page.For more information: Embed a Web App on Your Website


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