Project Management is an all-in-one solution designed to help individuals and teams efficiently plan, organize, track, and execute projects.
It provides a centralized platform to manage tasks, resources, timelines, and communication, facilitating collaboration, improving efficiency, and ensuring successful project delivery.

This article covers the following

  1. Benefits
  2. Use cases
  3. Features
  4. User roles
  5. Solution set up
  6. Additional information


  1. Organization and centralization – provide a centralized platform to organize and track all project-related information, including tasks, deadlines, resources, and communication.

  2. Task Management – Break down projects into smaller tasks and assign them to team members. This enables for better task tracking, progress monitoring, and helps ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

  3. Collaboration and communication – facilitate seamless collaboration and communication among team members. 

Use cases

Here are some of the many possible projects that can be added to this solution

  1. Marketing
    Create a marketing plan
    Content creation
  2. Sales support
    System maintenance
    Compliance management
  3. HR
    Promotion/Salary Review
    Training and development
  4. Innovation
    Ideation/innovation challenges
    Research and development
  5. Design
    Rebranding campaign
    Creative requests


  1. Mobile and desktop view
  2. Projects
  3. Templates
  4. Tasks
  5. Project reports
  6. Directory
  7. Dashboard


  1. Mobile and desktop view

    With both mobile and desktop views available for the app this offers flexibility and accessibility, enabling users to access and manage projects from anywhere. It enhances collaboration, provides real-time updates, and improves task management, resulting in increased productivity and user satisfaction.

  2. Projects

    Projects can be created by admins. When creating a new project you will be able to start from scratch. copy an existing project or use a template.
    A project is essentially a group of tasks that need to be completed.
    Regular users will be able to view a project where they can; v
    iew task details, update a task status, add comments or files, and receive notifications regarding task assignments or updates.
    Admins can make a project template for all users of the app to use

  3. Templates

    When adding a new project, it can be saved as a template to be used for future or additional projects, enabling faster setup. 
    Templates can be selected when adding a new project or viewed in the templates tab on the “all projects” screen

  4. Tasks 

    Once a project has been set up, tasks can be added.
    Each task will require an assignee. Assignees can be an individual, a group or a placeholder. 
    The task visibility can be set to either the
    Each task can be updated with comments, status, and files by users or groups, with automated notifications and system messages notifying users of these updates.

  5. Project reports 

    Use the project report to view and monitor the progress of the project

  6. Directory
    Use the directory screen to view other users of the app and their contact details such as; photo, full name, title, department, location/office, expertise, and email.
    Any user in the directory can be assigned to a project

  7. Dashboard

    Use the dashboard to get an overview of current and previous projects

User roles

User role overview 

User role 


User-specific features


Manage the app and users

  1. Manage users – add/edit/delete users and their information
  2. Manage groups – add and edit groups, grouping users together
  3. Manage Resources
  4. Communications – send messages to app users
  5. QR Code generator – generate a QR for screens in the app for users to quickly access:
  6. Home
  7. Create and manage projects
  8. Assign tasks

Regular user 

Access to  app features

  1. Project Interaction:
    • View task details.
    • Update task status.
    • Add comments or files.
    • Receive notifications regarding task assignments or updates.
  2. Resources – access materials (PDFs, links) associated broadly with projects or across groups.
  3. Directory – view other users’ information such as photo, full name, title, department, location/office, expertise, and email.
  4. Edit profile –  modify your directory information, enable notifications reminders, set notification preferences, or log out.

Solution set up

  1. How to add a project
  2. How to add a task
  3. Manage app users
  4. How to send notifications
  5. Before launching

How to add a project

  1. First, open the home screen
  2. Choose the “+projects” button
    1. From scratch – create a project from scratch (see instructions below) 
    2. Copy of existing – select from a list of existing projects
    3. From template – create a new project using a saved template
  3. Next, give your project a title, a type, and a description
  4. Choose the project state – draft, live, or archive
  5. When a project is set live, all users assigned to the task list and any associated admins will receive a notification alerting them to the project
  6. Once the project and associated tasks are completed, update the status from “live” to “archived” 
  7. A report of the project data can be found in the “reports” tab of the archived project

How to add a task

  1. First, open the home screen
  2. Choose the “+ task” button
  3. Select the relevant project from the drop-down
  4. Give the task a name, add any required content, link to another screen if necessary, link to another task if necessary, and attach any required files
  5. Chose the assignee type; user, group, or placeholder and then select the assignee
  6. Select your visibility
  7. Add any tag words to make the task searchable
  8. Finally, add a due date if required
  9. Submit the task
  10. Any assignees will be notified of the new task

Manage app users

This option is used to edit individual users within the app. Admin users have the option to bulk upload a CSV file or edit an individual user.

  1. Bulk upload – admin users can use this screen to bulk upload data into a data source. In the settings of the form select the data source your upload should be added to
    Note: column names must match the column names in the data source you are uploading to
  2. Edit users – from the admin menu, choose “manage users” and then select the user you want to edit. Click on the “Edit” button. Edit required for fields. Save
  3. Delete users – to permanently delete users from the app, from the admin menu, choose “manage users” and then select the user you want to delete. Click on the “Delete” button. Once deleted they will no longer be able to access the app

How to send notifications

  1. Admins can use the communications screens to keep users informed by sending suitable email, push, and SMS notifications
  2. This form has the option to submit, save, send a test, or send to users
  3. If you select to save this draft can be viewed and edited from the manage communication screen
  4. If you select to send a test, this will be sent to you to view
  5. This screen allows you to view previously sent communications or saved communications
  6. Select the communication to view, and click duplicate to load the edit communication form with the communication detail prefilled
  7. These screens use the list from data source and the form components. Click to learn more

Before launching

Before publishing your app you should consider the below setup tasks:

  1. Remove test data
  2. Set up any existing projects and tasks if desired to get the app started. This is not mandatory but recommended to encourage activity from your users
  3. Brand materials – including colors, fonts, images
  4. Users – a list of users to invite or add to the app

Additional information

  • New Projects:
    • From scratch – a  new project with no additional details or tasks
    • Copy of existing – copy all details of an existing project including tasks
    • From template – choose from a list of templates to copy the project details and tasks
  • Project details:
    • State – Draft (recommending while setting up), Live (users will begin to receive notifications), Archive (when completed)
    • Visibility – Public (all users see), Private (only users with assigned tasks and admins see), Template (anyone can make a copy)
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