For the following snippets to work as intended you will need to add a fliplet-session library to your app. Use the following instructions to add it
- When in Fliplet Studio’s Edit screen, open the Developer Options from the right hand menu
- With the Developer Options open, click the Libraries button in the top right corner
- In the search field, type in ‘fliplet-session’
- Click it to add it to the list
- Click Save
When a user logs out a typical requirement would be to take them out of the app and display the login screen. Similarly, once a user logs in you may want to display additional menu options that they can now access.
On login
If you’re using a login component (with username and password entry that doesn’t require verification) then you can add the following hook to run when a user logs in. The example takes the user to another screen (with ID ‘123456’) once it detects they’ve logged in.
Fliplet.Hooks.on('login', function (entry) { Fliplet.Navigate.screen(123456); });
If you’re logging in with the email and SMS verification components then you will need to use a slightly different hook:
Fliplet.Hooks.on('onUserVerified', function (entry) { Fliplet.Navigate.screen(123456); });
On logout
To run an action on logout you can run your custom code at the same time you programmatically log a user out. For example, the following code logs a user out and then redirects them to another screen (with a screen ID of 85764).
Fliplet.Session.logout('dataSource') .then(function () { // add custom code here to be run after log out // below we navigate a user to a new screen Fliplet.Navigate.screen(85764); });
In the code above, we’ve logged the user out from the dataSource
passport. This assumes that they logged in using the ‘Login’, ‘Verification: Email’ or ‘Verification: SMS’ components (that use a data source). However, if a user has logged in with a ‘SAML2 Login’ or a ‘Fliplet Login’ component then you’ll need to change the code slightly.
Fliplet.Session.logout('SAML2') .then(function () { // Logs out a user that logged in with a SAML2 Login component }); Fliplet.Session.logout('flipletLogin') .then(function () { // Logs out a user that logged in with a Fliplet Login component });