When creating an app with Fliplet, some features are available to use offline. This article provides an overview of each of the features available inside Fliplet studio and confirms whether they are available offline.

Why use offline functionality?

Setting up your components to be available offline will ensure your app can still be functional when users have an unstable or slow connection, i.e at an event, on the go, or whilst traveling.
When using an app, most users expect at least some sort of offline functionality, setting your components to be available offline can provide users with additional offline functions.

This article provides an overview of each of the components available inside Fliplet studio and confirms whether they are available offline.
The below table details any required settings and the expected offline functionality.

Get started

Use the table below to understand which features work offline, the required settings, and the expected offline functionality.

Note: Many of the components require the following actions to work offline, refer to the table to see which required settings apply.

  1. Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
    1. Open the required data source
    2. Click the settings tab
    3. Find the “Do you want to exclude this data when downloading the app?” settings and ensure it is not checked
      If it is checked, when downloading the app, the data will be excluded and will need to be loaded from the server separately which requires an internet connection

  2. Enable data source incremental updates
    This is a setting switched on by default. If you have followed all actions and the component does not work offline, please contact Fliplet support to check the setting

Feature Type Available offline? Required settings Expected offline functionality
Analytics Studio feature Yes Automatically queued for later in case network is missing or API outage
App Actions Studio feature No
App List Component Yes Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
Users can access the list of apps and view other apps offline
Charts Component Yes Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
The chart can be displayed using the offline data. If updates are made to the data of a chart via a form or changes to the data source, this will not display
Chat Component Yes – partially Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
Contact list data is available offline
Chat conversations can be viewed offline, up to the last 50 messages across all most recent conversations
DS API Development feature/ custom feature Yes Turn on data source bundling in DS settings The query will work offline if the data source is bundled
Aggregate query works offline if all data sources are bundled
Email   Yes See https://developers.fliplet.com/API/fliplet-communicate.html The request will be saved if the device is offline. When the device comes online, the saved requests will be sent.
Fliplet Login Component No
Fliplet.Audio.Player Development feature/ custom feature Yes None Audio files are available for offline playback if the user downloads the audio file
Fliplet.Gamify Development feature/ custom feature Yes Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
Gamification data is available offline
Fliplet.OAuth2 Component No
Form Component Yes Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
Enable offline form submission in form settings
1. Click on the form component
2. Click the settings tab
3. Under “When the form is submitted…” ensure “Add new submissions to a data source” is checked
4. Under “Submit form when the device is…”
Ensure “Online & Offline – The user can submit their form even when they don’t have an internet connection, and the entry will be sent to the data source as soon as a connection is available” is checked
Data added via a form will be submitted as soon as an internet connection is available
Image component Component Yes None – files connected to image components are automatically bundled offline Images are visible offline
In-App updates Studio feature No
Interactive graphics Component No
Link Component Yes None – files connected to links are automatically bundled offline Files are available to be opened offline
List (from data source) Component Yes – partially Turn on data source bundling in DS settings
Enable data source incremental updates
List data is available offline, excluding images
Bookmarks, comments, and likes are available to view offline, new bookmarks, comments, and likes will be submitted as soon as an internet connection is available

Note: consider which data sources you would like to include offline, it is not recommended for large data sources as this will increase the size of your app and make the app slower to load.

Login Component No
Logs Studio feature Yes Automatically queued for later in case network is missing or API outage
Notifications Component No This feature is currently not available offline, but coming soon
Offline video Component Yes None – Offline videos are automatically bundled offline Video file is available for offline playback
Online video Component No
Payments Development feature/ custom feature No
SMS Development feature/ custom feature Yes See https://developers.fliplet.com/API/fliplet-communicate.html The request will be saved if the device is offline. When the device comes online, the saved requests will be sent.
SSO Login Component No
Subscribing to push notifications Component No
Verification: Email Component No
Verification: SMS Component No

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